June 20

The Essential FIRST Step in Overcoming Cravings & Emotional Eating

If you experience cravings or emotional eating that haunt you, today's video shares the first essential step anyone must take in releasing cravings and emotional eating for good and experiencing vibrantly health they LOVE.

Have you ever said something and realized later you were wrong? That's how I've felt over the past two weeks as I've been learning more about health, nutrition, and the psychology around cravings. Last fall, I shared a 4-part video series on How to Banish Incessant Sugar Cravings (Once & For ALL). You can watch those here: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, and Part V. But what I ironically failed to talk about are how to acknowledge and release the real underlying emotions that cause us to crave in the first place. Ironic because I've been through this process in my own healing journey. For years, I denied all of the feelings associated with the effects of experiencing childhood sexual molestation. And because I never named those feelings, experienced the feeling, received what I needed, and let the painful emotion go... it haunted me into adulthood. Until I took that first step, every change I tried to make was fruitless and depended on how much willpower I possessed that day. In other words, my life was a daily struggle, and uphill battle, and I seriously questioned the meaning of it all. I knew certain activities and behaviors were good for me, but they didn't feel good because there was a continual weight pulling me in the opposite direction. See the dichotomy? Until I dealt with that, I could never experience the vibrant health and energized body I desperately sought!

Uncovering and naming the emotions that reflect an unmet need is the first step towards releasing cravings and uncontrollable emotional eating for life.

Increased awareness never occurs through judgment. So instead of trying to deprive yourself, feeling guilty, or telling yourself how bad you are when you give into a craving, approach the whole experience with curiosity instead. Just notice what's going on around the time you crave and what you are feeling at the moment. Is it overwhelm, pain, anxiety, anger, sadness, loneliness, hurt, frustration? Naming the emotion is the first step. You can expect to be very enlightened and empowered as you go through the process of your experience.

Energize Your Life:

  1. Approach your craving and emotional eating with curiosity, not judgment. 
  2. When you crave, simply write down what you are doing and name the emotion you are feeling right now.
  3. When you give in, love yourself not hate. 
  4. Leave a thoughtful comment below sharing your biggest takeaway from today's video. :)
  To get even more clear on the best you and the path to get there this year, you may still got a complementary “Double Your Energy” Breakthrough Session (for a limited time only)! Women have LOVED how helpful it is to get really clear where they want to be in the next 90 days and exactly how to get thereClick here to schedule your session while they last!   **************************************************************** Gerilyn Burnett helps women achieve the body, energy, and impact they desire by implementing healthy lifestyles they love! She specializes in helping Christian women cultivate health to the glory of God. Her own journey from miserable, fat, stuck, and tired to fit, confident, vibrant, and delicious make her uniquely suited for this mission! She has a knack for creating contagious healthy experiences and providing the needed support and accountability that turn diets into lifestyles and dreams into realities. Get started on your journey to vibrant vitality for life here


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