May 9

Healthy Gift Ideas For Mother’s Day (& the rest of us!)


Mother's Day is just around the corner. And whether you have physically birthed and/or raised children of your own or mothered in a variety of other capacities - teaching, mentoring, being an awesome aunt or cousin - I thank you for your service, for your nurturing spirit, and for your stewardship, for getting involved in people's lives and positively impacting them. Thank you. And because it's so common for moms (and you?) to put YOU on the back-burner while you take care of everyone else, we've created a whole day to honor you. You deserve to be nurtured. You, too, need nourishment, refreshment, rejuvenation. You need to feel awesome, generate abundant energy, and feel connected with you who are and why you are here. So this post is for you. Whether you use these ideas as a gift for mom OR just say, "It's time for me to take care of myself," I hope these serve to give you healthier options to the regular boxed chocs and dyed flowers. Gifts that keep on giving, keep on nurturing, and touch every part of your life. :) Enjoy! :)

1. A CSA Subscription

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a method of enjoying local, fresh, often organic food grown sustainably by real farmers. Plus, it takes time away from shopping, since a box is picked up or delivered weekly and you don't have to peruse the grocery store. Many CSA's allow add-ons with pastured meat shares, eggs, dairy, and flowers. We have personally been involved in a CSA for three years now and LOVE it! :) Prices vary depending on location, add-ons, combos, and weekly/monthly/seasonal options. But you can expect to pay between $29-45 per box each week and prices go down if you pay by the season. Check out to find a CSA in your area!    

2. Fresh Herb Garden

There's nothing quite like cooking with herbs FRESH from the garden in taste, quality, and appearance! :) Herbs are super simple to grow, full of micronutrients, and add spice, variety, and flavor to any meal! :) Check out this set from or make your own! :) This set starts at $29.95.    

3. Fermentation Crock

Give the gift of happier digestion, better moods, and overall improved vitality. Did you know that over 75% of your body's seratonin - the feel-good neurotransmittor - is made in your gut????  True story. The gut-brain connection and the little critters that live there are becoming more and more important in our long-term health. Making your own sauerkraut and fermented veggies is super simple, super delicious, and super healthy! Check out this crock at amazon. It starts at $89.  

4. Real Food Supplements

I don't recommend many supplements to my clients, but the ones I do are worth getting! :) Some multi-vitamins and probiotics are awesome, like Shaklee's, but there are a few that I only want this or that amount of OR only in a "real food form."
  1. High Vitamin Butter Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend
  2. MCT Oil
  3. Vitamin D (5,000 IUs/serving)
  4. Magnesium

5. A Transformation

*Most* everyone knows what they need to do to experience more vibrant health and a fitter body, but few actually have the self-discipline to do it. Working with a coach who's been there, done that, and has your best interest at heart is priceless! :) Staying consistent, accountable, and excited is KEY to long-term healthy "diets" and exercise programs becoming second-nature! And that's where I am my best! If you or your loved one has been on the fence about knowing it's time for a change, but haven't taken the plunge, call me at 617-564-3744 and we can talk about how to get you from point A (where you are now) to point B (where you want to be) in the shortest time possible in your schedule! OR, shoot me an email and we'll set up a conversation!     What gifts would you add? I'd love to hear your thoughts below! :) And, if this post has helped you, please share it with your friends and family! :)   **************************************************************** Gerilyn Burnett liberates women from the downward spiral of ever-increasing responsibility and stress without self-care to experience more ENERGY, more VITALITY, and a fitter body permanently! She trains women (& some awesome men) all over the world how to eat, move, and live for their best mind, body, and life! Her own journey from miserable, fat, stuck, and tired to fit, confident, vibrant, and delicious make her uniquely suited for this mission! She has a knack for creating contagious healthy experiences and providing the needed support and accountability that turn diets into lifestyles and dreams into realities. Get started on your journey to vibrant vitality for life here


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