Work With Me

Ready for fitness independence?

You’re in the right place.

I help over-30 adventurous women, banged up CrossFitters, post-competitors, pregnant/postpartum women, & busy professionals build their bangin’ bodies & live their best lives…

… using no-nonsense, results-driven flexibility + strength training plans that leverage your best resource – your nervous system – to make consistent gains in less time than your current hodgepodge of internet programs & classes.

My #1 goal is to work myself out of a job.

I believe…

  • How you do one thing is how you do everything.
  • Life feels good when your training supports your life (not the other way around)
  • When you understand how your body moves, how to increase flexibility, how to build strength, size, and endurance … you don’t need a bunch of cues because you know exactly what you’re doing, what it’s for, why, and how to progress on your own.

If this resonates with you, click here to schedule a quick call with me to see if we’re a good fit.


I partner with clients in three ways (see below for how it works):

  1. Cyclical Strength: 100% Custom All-Inclusive Fitness, Nutrition, + Lifestyle Coaching 1:1 (6-month minimum)
  2. 1:1 #FastFlexy4 – Individualized Flexibility & Mobility Programming Based on Assessment (4 weeks, then month-to-month as needed)
  3. #StrongForLife – a GPP total body strength, mobility, & conditioning program that builds your bangin’ body from the ground up.

All using TrueCoach (1:1) or Train Heroic (#StrongForLife) software for your program, videos, goals, accountability.

Not sure which one is for you? Schedule a call with me to see where you fit in best.

Health Starts Here

You’ve got big goals & want that bangin’ body, but here’s the best kept secret NO ONE is talking about…

Before we go hard towards your body composition, strength, or performance goal, we focus on health FIRST.

Not your weights, your sets or your reps, but your HEALTH.

Your health is your machine for progress. The only time you make gains is DURING recovery, time not training. Training increases toxin load in the body that needs to be processed & flushed so you can be bigger/smaller, better, stronger.

If you aren’t healthy, your body is working doubly hard just to keep stress at a dull roar so you can get through each day, never mind any goal you are working toward. How your body processes food, training load, & your life is completely different when you are stressed versus when you are relaxed.

So the fastest way to progress toward your bangin’ body is to take care of health FIRST. Then your body is a bangin’ body building machine! Your mind is right, your body is right, and you can enjoy the process MUCH more too.


How do I measure health?Through assessment, I look at your…

  • Lifestyle (sleep, stress, nutrition, hobbies)
  • Body (joint health, flexibility, cardio base, body awareness)
  • Psychology (drives, motivations, attitude, expectations)

While there is no “perfect measure of health,” there is a range in which you feel, look, & perform your best. Our first goal together will be to get you in that range.

You know you’re in the range when…

  • You wake up well rested every day
  • You feel energetic & focused throughout your day
  • You feel more energized when you leave the gym than when you entered
  • You feel satisfied with your life
  • You feel totally in control of your eating & enjoying
  • You are not in pain every day or achy

What’s the deal with the psychology bit?

Yes, there’s a bunch of “feelings” up there. So much more goes into the desire to change your body than just training. How you think, your mindset, influences your approach to training, success, failure, transition, etc.

Do you “let loose” on the weekend because it’s the weekend and a few drinks won’t matter… then continue sliding? Or do you use other coping mechanisms?

If you miss one session, do you plan out how you will succeed or skip the rest of the week. Do you get something out of always being behind, always achieving but never succeeding?

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Ever looked back at a photo from 10 years ago and thought, dang I looked good?! knowing you felt miserable about yourself at the time? That’s what I’m talking about here.

No body size, shape, or strength will be enough when you’re aiming to fill a black hole inside yourself. Deal with that FIRST & the rest will follow. AND you can enjoy it!

How the Program Works

Working with me 1:1 works like this…


First we meet on video to get to know each other & ensure I am a good fit for you. If I am not certain I can help you reach your goals, I’ll give it to you straight and suggest someone who can. I don’t want your money. I want you to have the results you want.

If we decide to move forward & work together, the next step is ASSESSMENT, three to be specific. A clear baseline shows where you are right now & how to get where you want to go.

I want to be able to write the best program for you at this time in your life based on your life circumstances, time to train, and ability to recover. In other words, if you sit all day and get poor sleep, you won’t be doing heavy deadlifts right now. If you pack on muscle like crazy, we’ll adjust your program so you aren’t adding where you don’t want. If you can’t put your arms over your head, you won’t be doing overhead squats.
The three assessments are:

  • Flexibility Assessment: Do you have the flexibility to do what you want to do safely & in the best positions? (Active Life)
  • Strength Balance Assessment: Is your body relatively balanced strength & endurance wise left to right & front to back? (Active Life)
  • Nutrition Assessment: How are you fueling your body? Is your body getting too little/too much calories or too little micronutrients?
  • Mindset: Who are you? What drives you? And how can I best help you? I use the Enneagram for this assessment.

How ASSESSMENT works is that we create a BASE & then re-test every 4-8 weeks as needed until you are at a healthy, sufficient place. Then we can put the extra time you’ve spent working on improving these areas towards your bigger goals.


Second, we work together in 12-week increments. 12-weeks is enough time to make progress, create & sustain new habits, and reach or surpass your goals.

YOUR PROGRAM: Every 4 weeks you receive a new program in TrueCoach, the software in which we will interface most frequently. Within this software you will have your program, videos, recommendations & explanations, and the ability to upload videos I want to see, chat with me, & record your progress.

Over the 12-weeks, that will be 3 individualized 4w programs.

GOING DEEP: You’ll also be receiving emails as we go deep on HEALTH FIRST, what goes wrong, and how to improve it.

After the first 12-weeks you can re-up for another round OR switch off to a month-to-month general strength & conditioning program planned in year long cycles so you go through hypertrophy, strength, and conditioning cycles throughout the year.

My goal is to work myself out of a job. I want you to be the fittest, strongest, healthiest you’ve ever been. So once you’ve “got it” & know how to do it for yourself, you are free to fly!

If this resonates with you, click here to schedule a quick call with me to see if we’re a good fit.

How the #StrongForLife Program Works

#StrongForLife is a month-to-month general strength & conditioning program (also 12-week increments) that includes varied training focuses (strength, conditioning, hypertrophy, power, etc.) throughout the year, just like I would program for an athlete or client.

The difference is that there is no 1:1 Assessments with me: Flexibility, Strength Balance, or Mindset. There will be recommendations throughout the program & flexibility built into the program BUT it’s not 100% tailored to you, just general recommendations for a whole healthy body.

The program changes every 4 weeks and currently is $25/month. So you get an entire training cycle including warm-ups, the program, cool-downs, and pre & post-tests for whatever we are measuring.

If this resonates with you, click here to schedule a quick call with me to see if we’re a good fit.

Unsure? Book a complimentary, no B.S. Discovery Call to determine the best fit for you (even if it's working with someone else).