

If you're new to creating a vibrantly healthy lifestyle you love, you might be wondering where to start. It all depends on where you are right now in your vitality journey. Read below to see which vitality profile best fits your own vitality stage right now...

[wpcol_1half id="" class="" style=""]If you want to jump-start fat loss & energy, to lose 3-6" in the next 30 days, & you're looking to get in great shape quickly, then your primary focus needs to be on getting healthy & shedding unwanted fat safely.

Take the Jump-Start Vitality 30 Day Challenge! 

[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id="" class="" style=""]If you want more ENERGY & vibrant health, then you need to get off the hamster wheel of 'dieting' and into the practice of healthy living. It's time to let go of the struggle and receive the accountability and support that produce thriving vitality! 

Experience Vibrant Health(& Get Your Body Back!)[/wpcol_1half_end]

  [wpcol_1third id="" class="" style=""]    All Fit, No Fuss!  Forget random fitness classes and magazine routines. It's time you had a plan that works in less time with less stress! Download your FREE one-month workout routine to get stronger, fitter, and thinner in the next 30 days! [/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third id="" class="" style=""] About Gerilyn After losing 30 lbs. of fat effortlessly & transforming her entire life, Gerilyn's learned a thing or two about vitality. She's passionate about sharing these effective strategies with you too, so you can live energetically & feel your best![/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third_end id="" class="" style=""]On the Blog: [/wpcol_1third_end]   DISCLAIMER: I'm not an medical doctor nor a licensed nutritionist or registered dietitian in any state. Instead, I'm a real person (and a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist [NSCA]) - just like you - who is passionate about nutrition, health, and wellness. After trying all of the standard dietary recommendations without health or body improvements, I began my quest for the healthiest way to live and found myself in an opposing camp, geeking out on scientific papers and experiencing more health, fat loss, and vitality results without all the effort. I'm extremely passionate about sharing this message of healthy living with the world. The information presented on this website is intended to educate and inspire your vitality journey, not substitute for medical advice, nor intended to replace a professional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical condition.

Unsure? Book a complimentary, no B.S. Discovery Call to determine the best fit for you (even if it's working with someone else).