August 5

Fun Friday! And Quick Lunch Video!


Are you excited?! I am! It is rewarding when your hard work towards a certain end finally pays off, or seems like it will. Part of being content in the present is being excited about the future. What are you excited about??? I am excited about:
  • expanding and growing my business
  • being true to myself
  • the unexpected turns life takes... in good ways!
  • being rewarded for my hard work
  • helping others grow and achieve their dreams!
I am also excited because I just found out that I am in the preliminary winners of the 2011 Project Diabetes Grant. Don't jump up and down yet (though I already have enough for the both of us!). The contract must be signed to make it official, but there we are! Benton County School District Coordinated School Health a recipient of a $250,000 Project Diabetes grant to serve children, parents, and the community of Benton County! SCORE! I'm almost two for two in the grant-writing world. Yippee! I won't lie. There were some definite set-backs on this project and I wasn't sure I would get everything in on time. I had to revise my entire proposal at least once and literally mailed it off on my way out of town to another event. And this was the hardest project I have ever been a part of at this point in my life. It required cooperation and teamwork among several schools and community partners and if you know me, you know it's not in my nature to rely on others to accomplish a task. I'm a go-getter, finish-everything-yesterday kinda gal when I set my mind to something, so teamwork is sometimes difficult. My point is, do you allow set-backs to destroy your dreams? Or do you work through them and use them as a learning opportunity? Again, I had to re-write this entire 14-page proposal three days before turning it in. I had been working on this for WEEKS only to find out that I my project ideas were not possible for the coming year. I was in tears like you wouldn't believe and had to take a day off to recoup. But I had decided something from the beginning... that I would prepare and submit an excellent proposal because I want my life to ooze excellence. Sure, I thought about quitting and not applying. So little time to re-write pages of work, plus adjust the budget. But I dug in on Sunday, re-wrote everything, approved it on Monday, and slid it in the mail on my way out of town. Just in time. I did overcome, I did create a new idea, and who knows? It may be better than the previous one. Do you overcome or allow yourself to be beaten down? Do you stand by your beliefs and ideas or allow others' to overshadow? Do you value hard work or hand outs? Truthfully? Ha! I didn't mean for this post to be so serious because it's Fun Friday! Or Flip Friday! Whichever you prefer. But it's a valuable exercise towards living truth in your life, so I hope it helps you. For Fun Friday, I've got my handy-dandy Flip video camera and love exploring, interviewing and otherwise bringing you interesting info and tidbits that sometimes can't be put into words. Enjoy this video of delicious lunch eats! Thoughts? Comment below!      


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