September 16

Diets & Budgets Have A Lot in Common


Have you ever noticed that diets and budgets have a lot in common? They are both built on deprivationdepend on your willpower, and neither are sustainable for lasting weight loss or a secure future. I remember when I first started my quest for the healthiest way to live... I was so ashamed every time my new deprivation diet failed... again. What is wrong with me? I thought. Why can't I just stick to this??? In addition to binging on ice cream and brownies when I was blue, I had this bad habit of going on an impulsive shopping spree... I needed to buy dresses, make-up, and shoes (!) to feel better (to feel pretty) about everything I couldn't control in my life, which only spiraled my financial woes out of order even more, piling up the debt. I'd try to budget and always begin with great intentions, but whether I had one or four jobs, there just never seemed to be enough. I'd worry about student loans, retirement, investments, and building my credit later, when I had the perfect body, the perfect husband, the perfect life... Wouldn't it be great if someone had stopped me right then and told me the REAL solutions to permanent weight loss, loving my body, and building a healthy relationship with money? That's why I'm here... I'll tell you right now that the biggest reason why women struggle to love their bodies and grow their assets is because they believe progress only comes by deprivation of food and fun. They're often so busy trying to will-power "not spending" and "not eating too much" that they make a bit of progress and then binge it all way with ice cream and shopping. Instead of step-by-step progress they're proud of, the up-and-down roller coaster is a vicious, interwoven cycle of progress, set-backs, and guilt... only to repeat it all over again. How heavy! No wonder you aren't living the life you want! There's nothing wrong with you. You're just doing it all wrong! As you know, I'm passionate about helping women grow! So I've teamed up with my Money Maven friend Cheryl to create a special evening to help get you off the deprivation roller coaster for good...


Fit & Financially Fierce:How to Feel Strong & In-Control of Your Body & Finances

Tuesday, October 1st Newton, MA

This evening is for amazing women who know they deserve more from life than hating their bodies and throwing away their assets. Is one of these seats yours? Click here to register now. Only 20 seats available in this f.r.e.e. evening! These will fill up fast!   I don't know about you, but I've got better things to do than diet and dig myself in another money pit. I want to feel secure and confident in my investments and savings... without depriving myself of that dress either! To reserve one of these 20 available seats before they're all gone, simply click this link and follow the on-screen instructions to register. I cannot wait to share this special evening with you! LIVE your adventure, P.S. It would be a true bummer to skip this opportunity to discover the awesome things that can happen in your life when you stop pouring all your energy into deprivation... and start pouring it into LIVING! Click here to reserve your (and a friends!) seat.


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