November 1

Dear Community,


An open letter to my readers, Some of you know about this website through my weekly newspaper articles in the Camden Chronicle, the Carroll County News-Leader, the Fulton Leader, and most recently, the DeKalb County Times. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving you with nutrition and health information since January 2010 through these newspapers. I regret to inform you that I will no longer write articles for those publications as I am going in a new direction with my vision. This isn't to abandon any readers, but to clear space to dream bigger and serve you in bigger, better, truer ways. I was always surprised and deeply honored to hear of stories of people clipping out my articles, saving recipes, trying recipes, and making positive healthy choices in response to words I wrote. My whole purpose was to make you aware of factors that contribute to your health, like quality foods, faulty myths (i.e., the cholesterol hypothesis), and ill-prescribed drugs. I feel confident that the information disseminated impacted several lives that will never be the same again... for the better. This is a job well done. It just goes to show that each and every one of us is capable of changing the world through our influence, a role I hope you take very seriously. Each one of us was born to be a role model and we live up to that role daily, either for good or ill. What sort of role model are you? Would you be proud to follow yourself? I appreciate your support and will continue to serve you here with frequent posts, recipes, and ideas for integrating your health with faith to reach your goals in a sustainable way. The future is bright and brimming with exciting content, a full integration of my unique perspective on faith and health, and some upcoming books! :) Feel free to pass this on if anyone asks why my article no longer appears in the above publications.   Thank you for the opportunity to serve you! I truly appreciate and adore each one of you,


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