September 25

[90 Days of Vitality] Day 17: The ONE Thing to Ask Yourself Every Day

Improve your life, transform your body, and expand your vitality with today's question. About five years ago when I began my quest for the healthiest way to live, I thought I knew all the answers when I discovered strength training and CrossFit and the Paleo diet. In fact, when I began working with people professionally, I threw my diet and exercise program at my clients and expected them to just transform.... just like that. But the more I learn, the more I realize the less I know. And while I have some really great nutrition and exercise recommendations that will set an awesome baseline for you and bring your health to a certain level, it may not be the end result for you to ultimately thrive. So that's why when I work with clients one-on-one, we have to commit to their vitality journey. Deep down, we all intuitively know what we need to do to improve our lives, grow our business, and be successful, but sometimes we have trouble following those, or even listening to ourselves. So... I approach clients very differently these days! While we definitely follow some nutritional guidelines, we also explore a lot and practice listening to their body, what they need, and what they need to do for their ultimate vitality. Our vitality encompasses our complete physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional health. So instead of throwing bandaids at pieces and parts of our lives, we treat the root so we can experience flowing life, energy, playfulness, and just fall in love with life again. So my question for you today is this:

What can you do to expand your vitality today?

I've also found after working with clients and in my own life that focusing on outcomes that we are not close to realizing yet produces shame, guilt, and focusing on what we don't have instead of what we can do. So instead of empowering or motivating us - women at least, or my clients that I work best with - it produces the opposite effect. While we start with an outcome and detail it, we then put it away and I've started asking this question:

What can I do to expand my vitality today?

This will give us some very specific action steps that will lead to the desired outcome but it leaves us focusing on what we can do instead of what we don't have. See the difference? I'll share three of mine. For me to expand my vitality today,
  1. I'm going to ride my bike 10 miles one way instead of taking the train. This reduces frustration and increases my fitness.
  2. I'm packing my lunch.
  3. I'm going to bed early tonight - at ten instead of midnight!

Your Vitality Assignment

  1. Ask yourself, What can I do to expand my vitality today?
  2. Quickly jot down the 3-5 things that come to mind because you know what you need to do.
  3. Do them
  4. Leave a comment below letting me know what you think AND share this with your friends, family, and others you know can benefit.
  Know someone this could help? (It could save a life!) Please share this with them and spread the message of vitality! **************************************************************** Gerilyn is a mentor to women getting healthy to transform the world! Her experience in nutrition, strength & conditioning, personal growth, love of cooking, and passion for transformation make her uniquely suited for this mission. She has a knack for creating contagious healthy experiences and providing the needed support and accountability that turn diets into lifestyles and dreams into realities. Learn Gerilyn’s Signature Jump-Start Formula - free. It’s a simple nutrition formula to infuse you with more energy, more freedom, and more vitality! Click here to access it now! 


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